{$8}: Lifetime Membership to Clickin' Moms
item: 1 lifetime membership to Clickin' Moms
description: For many members, Clickin Moms has become an online "home" for business networking and development, artistic growth, technical knowledge and support, and deeply held friendships. Our extremely active forums address everything from marketing to lighting to step-by-step workflows in the digital darkroom. We host regular contests with major prizes from our 90+ authorized vendors, biweekly creativity exercises, free actions and other downloads, regional boards for meet-ups, a quarterly newsletter, and a line of very popular, members-only workshops. Clickin Moms is also home to CMpro, an application-based private forum for photographers who have demonstrated superlative technical skill and extraordinary artistic vision.

vendor: Clickin' Moms
location: Online!
retail value: $195
starting bid: $100

Note: 20% of all memberships with Clickin' Moms from the links in this post will go toward Team Call. 100% of the auction will go toward Team Call.